Adopt-A-Flower Bed

What is Adopt-A-Flower Bed?

Adopt-A-Flower Bed is a volunteer activity where area volunteer groups “adopt” a flower bed at a Frankfort Park District park location. The adoptive group is responsible for planting flowers in May and maintaining the bed through summer and fall clean up. Maintenance includes weeding, deadheading flowers and cleaning up the bed for the winter. Beds should be planted by the Saturday following Memorial Day.

The Park District will supply all the materials

The Park District provides all planting materials. The FPD crews will provide all the plants you need, bed preparation including fertilizer and soil amendments, mulch and watering. Volunteer groups need provide energy, time and enthusiasm! This is an ideal service project for all ages – children to seniors. If you are a U of I Master Gardener, this project can earn you many volunteer hours.


If you or your group would like to Adopt-A-Flower Bed, please fill out the form and return it to the park district. The District will make efforts to assign your group to their requested location. If you have questions please call 815-469-9400. The efforts by the volunteer(s) will be acknowledged in the fall Park District Brochure.

Click Here to download the Adopt-A-Flower Bed pamphlet and Reservation Form.

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