Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank You 2024 Sponsors!
Thank you to all of the 2024 Sponsors who have helped us provide fun, family-oriented, quality events, leagues, and programs for guests of all ages in a safe manner. Each and every sponsor is vital to our success and we thank you for your generosity and support!
Click here to view our 2024 Sponsors.

Reach thousands of potential customers through sponsorships with the Frankfort Park District!

Sponsorships are vital to the success and growth of the Frankfort Park District programs, leagues and events. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your business while promoting family fun in the Frankfort Community. We offer various levels of giving that can increase your exposure to different demographics in Frankfort.

Below are just some of the opportunities your business can be part of. If interested, please contact Julie Sullivan, Fundraising & Community Outreach Coordinator at jsullivan@frankfortparks.org  or call the Park District office at 815-469-9400.

Sponsorship Opportunities:


Special Events Sponsorship Package:

Community Events Additional Sponsorship Options Package:

Athletics Sponsorship Opportunities:


  • Including t-shirts, banners, signage, etc. for athletic leagues and programs


For additional information on athletic sponsorships, please contact Julie Sullivan, Fundraising & Community Outreach Coordinator at jsullivan@frankfortparks.orgor call 815.469.9400

Thank you for your consideration! For additional information please contact us at 815-469-9400.  We look forward to speaking with you!

Charitable Giving

Frankfort Park Donations

To simply make a financial contribution to support the work of the Frankfort Park District in securing open space and enhancing recreational opportunities in Frankfort, please stop in or mail a check to the Frankfort Park District located at 140 Oak Street in Frankfort, 60423.

Tree Memorial Donation

The Frankfort Park District is proud to continue a Memorial Tree Program to plant trees in parks for all Frankfort residents to enjoy. Through this program, you can honor or remember a person, an event or an organization by having a tree planted in their name. A tree can be given to celebrate someone’s birthday, to memorialize a deceased family member/friend, commemorate a special event in your life or recognize an organization and its accomplishments.

A donation of $500 will purchase a tree in a park designated by the donor or honoree and approved by the Park District. Trees will be planted in the spring and fall each year. In addition, the year, along with the name of the person, event or organization being honored, will be proudly displayed on a Plaque at the base of the tree.  This program benefits the community as a whole, and the tree can be enjoyed for years to come.

Tree choices include: Red Sunset Maple, Autumn Blaze Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, White or Pink Flowering Crab Apple, American Linden, and Chanticleer Pear.

Download Tree Memorial Application

Bench Memorial Donation

The memorial bench program is currently suspended due to supply issues. Inquiries can be brought to the District but there is limited opportunities available.

Download Bench Memorial Application

Operation Playground-Bark Park

This group also sponsored the creation of the Frankfort Bark Park at Commissioners Park, which opened in May 2007. Fundraising is an ongoing effort to continually enhance the amenities available for our four legged friends. Click here for more information.

Download the Bark Park Banner Sponsorship Package

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